Our goal is simple – it’s worship.
We are a Christ centered movement that exists to see God exalted on the campus and in the world. We want everyone to truly encounter, know and enjoy our glorious God. We help students to connect with God and with each other. We are a fellowship, a family, a community.
We’re all on a spiritual journey. Whether you’re convinced and running hard after God, checking Him out but needing more proof, or feeling stuck in a spiritual quagmire not knowing what to believe, Cru is for you. Cru is a community that is on the journey together. We believe that there is a God who made us for relationship with Himself. He’s not an aloof God who looks on from a distance, like a far off relative who you know is there but never really interact with. He’s a God who says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.” We believe that to know God means to know Jesus. He is no ordinary man. He is “God made flesh”, the “exact representation of God.” And, he came so that we could have the life we were made for. Life that’s found in a real life relationship with the God of the universe.
In Cru we love each other and the Cornell community. Jesus demonstrated crazy love for people all throughout his life on earth. The ultimate display taking place on a cross. Having experienced that love, having accepted and been amazed by that love, we want others to know it too. That’s why we love people, because He first loved us and showed us the way.
Cru is a group of students who meet together weekly for corporate worship, Bible study, prayer and fellowship.
We have small groups that we call “Community Groups”. Our groups are centered around Loving God, Loving each other, and Loving the World. It is the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ that enables to do all of these things.
Our large group meeting is open to everybody! We meet on Friday nights in Uris Hall Auditorium (Room G-01). We call our meeting Real Life and it starts at 7:30!
But enough talk. The best way to get to know us is to come hang out with us. Check out our large group meeting on Friday nights. Come to one of the events we have scattered throughout the year. Get involved with one of our community groups. It’s our hope that Cru will be a place where you can journey with friends toward the God who made you for relationship with Himself.